Constitutional and statutory courts

Constitutional courts are those created by the Constitution. In the Philippines, there is only one (1) constitutional court. A constitutional court is a high court that deals primarily with constitutional law. Its main authority is to rule on whether laws that are challenged are in fact unconstitutional, i.e. whether they conflict with constitutionally established rules, rights, and freedoms, among other things.

A constitutional court when exercising its proper judicial functions can no more be unreasonably controlled by the legislature than can the legislature when properly exercising legislature power be subjected to the control of the courts. Each acts independently within its exclusive field. (G.R. No. L-22449)

[1] Supreme Court.

The powers of the Supreme Court are defined in Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution. These functions may be generally divided into two - judicial functions and administrative functions. The administrative functions of the Court pertain to the supervision and control over the Philippine judiciary and its employees, as well as over members of the Philippine bar. Pursuant to these functions, the Court is empowered to order a change of venue of trial in order to avoid a miscarriage of justice and to appoint all officials and employees of the judiciary.[h] The Court is further authorized to promulgate the rules for admission to the practice of law, for legal assistance to the underprivileged, and the procedural rules to be observed in all courts. courts are those created by law. In the Philippines, as of June 2017, there are only six (6) statutory courts. A statutory court has jurisdiction over all causes and proceedings, civil and criminal, original and appellate, prescribed by law for courts.

[1] Court of Appeals;
[2] Regional Trial Court;
[3] Municipal Trial Court;
[4] Sandiganbayan;
[5] Court of Tax Appeals; and
[6] Shari’a Court.