What's the difference between "wage" and "salary"?
BASIC DIFFERENCE; GENERALLY, THE SAME: The term “wage” is used to characterize the compensation paid for manual skilled or unskilled labor. “Salary,” on the other hand, is used to describe the compensation for higher or superior level of employment. Generally, they are the same; they are used interchangeably.
SPECIAL DISTINCTION: In cases of execution, attachment or garnishment of the compensation of an employee received from work issued by the court to satisfy a judicially-determined obligation, a distinction should be made whether such compensation is considered “wage” or “salary.” Under Article 1708 of the Civil Code, if considered a “wage,” the employee’s compensation shall not be subject to execution or attachment or garnishment, except for debts incurred for food, shelter, clothing and medical attendance. If deemed a “salary,” such compensation is not exempt from execution or attachment or garnishment. Thus, the salary, commission and other remuneration received by a managerial employee (as distinguished from an ordinary worker or laborer) cannot be considered wages. Salary is understood to relate to a position or office, or the compensation given for official or other service; while wage is the compensation for labor.