In 1969, SC complained re: "worse” traffic congestion

It is no argument to support the vested rights theory that petitioning passengers have enjoyed the privilege of having been continuously transported even before the outbreak of the war directly without transfer from the provinces to places inside Manila up to the respective bus terminals in said City. Times have changed. Vehicles have increased in number. Traffic congestion has moved from bad to worse, from tolerable to critical. The number of people who use the thoroughfares has multiplied. (G.R. No. L-22545; November 28, 1969)
According to Aquino and Hernando (2016), in 1903, the first automobile was introduced into the Philippines from France. Ten (10) years later, there were already 2,556 registered motor vehicles in the whole country. Another decade later, the number rose to 13,000.
TRIVIA: The (LTO) back then was called the Traffic Control Bureau (TCB).
[2] Aquino and Hernando (2016); Essentials of Transportation and Public Utilities Law; Rex Book Store