30-item quiz in labor law

[2] Does the State promote overseas employment? Why or why not? Explain.
[3] What is the constitutional foundation of the law on apprenticeship and learnership?
[4] The Labor Code imposes automatic employment relationship between women workers and night clubs, cabarets, etc. However, the Constitution ensures fundamental equality before the law of men and women. Is this automatic employer-employee relationship unconstitutional?
[5] What is the legal implication of the constitutional policy that labor is a primary social economic force and the other policy regarding the indispensable role of the private sector? Is there conflict between these two principles? Explain.
[6] Explain the concept of due process under the Labor Code.
[7] When is a strike based on the right to petition the government for redress of grievances an actionable wrong in labor law? Explain.
[8] Explain the doctrine of speed labor justice.
[9] Explain the implication of the "no involuntary servitude" clause of the Constitution in labor law?
[10] Constitutionally speaking, why is being an employer considered a "special case of ownership"?
[11] Explain the interplay between the labor law principle of social justice and the civil law doctrine of unjust enrichment.
[12] What is the extent of the people's right to strike?
[13] What is the manifestation of the constitutional principle of shared responsibility in Philippine labor law?
[14] The Constitution promotes the preferential use of voluntary modes of settling disputes in labor law. The Civil Code of the Philippines has provisions on compromise agreements. Explain the labor law implication of these two.
[15] What is the difference between a disabled person under the Labor Code and a qualified disabled person under the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons?
[16] Give at least five (5) benefits of working women under the Labor Code.
[17] Explain the principle of free trade unionism under the Labor Code?
[18] Does "construction in favor of labor" apply in all cases? Why or why not?
[19] The Labor Code ensures "the participation of workers in decision and policy-making processes affecting their rights, duties and welfare." Does this mean that workers shall have one (1) representative in the board of directors? Why or why not?
[20] What is the manifestation of the "democratic method" (Article 218 of the Labor Code) of negotiating collective bargaining agreements? Explain.
[21] Give at least three (3) instances of tripartism in Philippine labor laws.
[22] Give at least four (4) principles laid down by the Supreme Court governing employer-employee relationship. Explain each.
[23] When does an person cease to be an employee of an employer?
[24] Is the performance of activities usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer an indication of employer-employee relationship? If yes, why? If not, why not?
[25] What are the two (2) aspects that must be under the control of the employer so employment relationship can be said to exist? What is the effect if only one aspect is present?
[26] What determines whether a worker is a corporate officer or an ordinary employee? What is the effect if a worker is a corporate officer? Explain.
[27] What is the labor-law implication of being a "talent" and a "production assistant" in a TV company?
[28] Explain the concept of "Dual Juridical Relationship" in employer-employee relationships.
[29] Does the concept of "Dual Juridical Relationship" apply in case of the boundary system?
[30] Give all the differences between apprenticeship and learnership.