Joint Indivisible Obligations; Article 1224

If two (or more, actually) debtors are jointly bound to perform an obligation,
the creditor’s right to claim damages arises from the time that one of the
debtors failed to do or give what is incumbent upon him. Nevertheless, the
debtor who did not fail to perform the obligation but was in fact ready to do
or give what was incumbent upon him is not required to pay damages more than
what is compatible with his share of the price of the thing or of the value of
the service that was required of him.
What do we mean when we say “joint indivisible obligation”?
In a joint indivisible obligation, the debtors are bound only to the extent of
their share in the obligation which can only be performed totally or
completely, not partially.
For example, A and B, who are a popular duet, are jointly bound to sing in a
concert organized by C. A, at the time when they were already bound to comply
with their promise, went missing. Nevertheless, B was not so and in fact, was
ready to perform. If all the expenses to cover the concert and damages
required by C amount to Php 1,000,000, what is left for B to do? She can pay C
Php 500,000. This amount corresponds to her portion of the value of the
service which the obligation consists.
Conversion into Monetary Indemnity
The debtor who is ready to comply with what is incumbent upon him despite the
fact that the other debtor with him he is jointly bound cannot so comply can
release himself from the shackles of obligation by converting the price of the
thing to be delivered or the value of the service to be rendered into a
monetary indemnity and pay the same to the creditor. This will free him from
the obligation.
What if the obligation is one that is solidary and indivisible?
If the obligation is solidary and at the same time, indivisible, the creditor
can demand the whole, total or complete price of the thing to be delivered or
the whole, total or complete value of the service to be rendered from either
of his creditors. This, of course, is without prejudice to the right of that
debtor to reimburse from the other.
For example, A and B are solidarily bound to deliver an ice sculpture of the
Greek God Poseidon to C, who is an enthusiast of such form of arts. B,
however, failed to contribute, which rendered the obligation impossible to
fulfill. Assuming that the value of the thing is in the amount of Php
1,000,000, how much can C collect from A? C can collect the whole amount from