Origin and development of administrative law
In the Philippines, law is divided into eight fields: political law, labor law, criminal law, civil law, commercial law, remedial law, tax law and ethics law. Political law is divided into political law proper (study of the structure of government), constitutional law, administrative law, law on accountability of public officers, election law and public international law. Other authors include criminal law and procedure in this list of divisions of political laws. A FIELD OF MODERN LAW Administrative law is recognized as a separate (and modern) field of law. De Leon and De Leon, Jr. (2010) points out that this field of law is of comparatively recent origin. In fact, under the Anglo-American system, administrative law is not one of the traditionally recognized parts of the law, such, for example, as the criminal law, the common law, and equity. In recent decades and with the rapid expansion of administrative agencies and their increased functions, a substantial body of jurispruden