
Showing posts from September, 2019

SC: Candidates are required to have "enough money"; if not, they are "panggulo"

Preamble - Possible Recitation Questions

Expert proposes 3 changes to the Constitution

National Territory - Possible Recitation Questions

New doctrine of inordinate delay (2018)

Unconstitutionality of the PhiLSAT

Top 10 things about the Preamble

Did you know RA 9262 also protects males?

Imprescriptible reconveyance

SC scolds 2 lawyers for misleading firm name

How long are SC cases? Why so many pages???

15 things before going to law school (Part 3)

SC: Craft = aggravating circumstance

Bringing packed lunch to school NOT a right – SC

15 things before going to law school (Part 2)

Due process in student disciplinary cases

15 things before going to law school (Part 1)

Sexual harassment; labor standards

Strengths, weaknesses of the kasambahay law

6 basic rights of a kasambahay

Is impeachment criminal or civil?

Appeal to CA from VA in 10 or 15 days?

Impeachment and judicial review

Miranda warning