Inciting to inflict an act of hate against the rich

Read more: Marlo Campanilla (2020). Inciting to inflict an act of hate against the rich. May 23, 2020.

There are several forms the crime of sedition under Article 139 of the Revised Penal Code, one of which is to rise publicly and tumultuously, by means of force, intimidation, or by other means outside of legal methods, to inflict any act of hate or revenge against private persons or any social class or despoil any person of his property for any social end. (Article 139)

In U.S. v. Lapus, G.R. No. 1222, January 21, 1905, the accused were members of an illegal association, called “Santa Iglesia,” which was organized for the purpose of performing acts of hatred and vengeance against the authorities and the wealthy people. They had publicly and tumultuously attacked a town and roamed its streets, firing shots, yelling, and threatening the residents with death, and thereby frightening them. They performed acts of violence on the persons of the president and other residents of the town with political-social purposes. The reason for the uprising was that the rich people were loaning money at usurious terms to their farm laborers, and when the latter were unable to pay the loan, they compelled their children to work for them as servants (This is exploitation of child labor). According to them, if the wealthy landowners continued oppressing the poor, they would not stop disturbing the town, because the law must be equally applied to rich and poor. The crime committed is sedition because the object of public and tumultuous uprising is to inflict an act of hate or revenge upon private persons (wealthy landowners).

Ransacking SM by several persons in a tumultuous manner is sedition since they are despoiling them of their properties.

Inciting the public to rise publicly and tumultuously to inflict an act of hate against the rich or to despoil them of their property for any social end is inciting to sedition under Article 142 of the Revised Penal Code. Moreover, utterance of seditious words, making seditious speech that tends or leads to disturb the peace of the community is also inciting to sedition.

Read more: Marlo Campanilla (2020). Inciting to inflict an act of hate against the rich. May 23, 2020.