Law student: "I only study 5 hours a week"

"Personally, less than 5 hours a week." (Read more: Sasha Sim. Answered March 4, 2018. How many hours per week does the average law student study?

To my friends, family and housemates, it's as if I barely study at all. In fact, if someone were to spend a whole week with me, they wouldn’t even know that I was studying!

That’s because when I’m studying, I look like the most chilled person on earth. I study the most while lying in bed. I read my textbooks in bed and study my presentation slides in bed.

I also never take any notes, not even in lectures. I find notes so time-consuming and gives me very little return on the time spent making them. By not taking notes in class, I found that I absorbed information better as I am not distracted by the semantics of the lecture and have ample time to reflect on what is being taught.

I believe in spending my time efficiently. Thus, whenever I’m learning new material, I like to be very thorough. I look things up on the Internet, watch videos, search the dictionary for words that I don’t understand. Put simply, I taught myself to break information down into the simplest possible explanation. In my mind, I want to understand the information so well that I can easily explain it to another person. Remember that there’s no point to revise, if you do not stop and question the material in front of you.

As a result, I barely have to go back to a previous chapter as I already have the overall idea and understanding in my brain. This is very helpful as I can answer questions easily in seminars. During exams, I spend less time revising and spend more time on practice questions.

Overall, each person is different. But I believe that studying shouldn’t be overcomplicated. Just because you’re taking a traditionally “difficult major” (like law) doesn’t mean that you have to work extra hard to succeed. There is always an easier way, so why not go for it? Read more: Sasha Sim. Answered March 4, 2018. How many hours per week does the average law student study?