History of the Commission on Audit (COA)

Auditing as a tool for effective governance has been recognized and
practiced since the Spanish colonial era. One proof of this was the
residencia, an inquiry into the administration of an outgoing Governor
General and consequently of other officials. Conducted by the Royal
Audiencia, it was designed to hold colonial officials to strict
accountability for all acts during their term of office. Another was the
visita de tierra, a visit of inspection made every three years, which often
revealed glaring anomalies in the handling of local government accounts.Colonial officials also performed investigations akin to audit at the time.
One was a fraud audit of sorts for galleon trade conducted in the early
1700s. Another, which involved the inspection of the Misericordia de Manila
in 1751, had shades of financial audit.
In 1739, a Royal Decree by the King of Spain established the royal exchequer
which was the national treasury of that era. All books of accounts of the
Spanish colonial government were required to pass through the scrutiny and
certification of the contador or the accountant and that of the oidor, a
representative of the Spanish crown, who by the nature of his duties may be
considered as the precursor of the auditor.
By mid-19th century, the Tribunal de Cuentas was created. It functioned as
the supreme auditing institution of the islands until the end of the Spanish
rule in 1898. Staffed by a president, two auditors, a fiscal, accountants
and examiners, the Tribunal had exclusive jurisdiction over the audit of all
financial matters affecting the colony. These personnel, all appointees of
the King, were required by law to review all vouchers and to cross-check
them against corresponding entries in the books of accounts.
The Birth of an Institution
Nurturing a nascent government requires a mixture of boldness and prudence.
And at a time when the early Philippine government was being zealously
fleshed out by its American rulers emboldened by their newfound power, then
President William McKinley ensured a healthy dose of prudence in these
An unnumbered memorandum signed on May 8, 1899 by McKinley gave birth to the
Office of the Auditor for the Philippine Islands.
By 1900, the Office had become a fixture of government. The civil government
was formally ushered in 1901 under William Howard Taft. The major change in
the nature of government had ripple effects in the structure of government.
One result of such change was the conversion of the Office of the Auditor of
the Philippine Islands to the Bureau of the Insular Auditor.
However, it was more than a mere change of name. A provincial audit division
was created for the Bureau. Moreover, double-entry bookkeeping was
introduced which accounted for fuller analysis of settlements and ensured a
higher degree of correctness.
In 1905, a change of guard took place. Taft resigned as Civil Governor and
was replaced by Luke E. Wright who led as Governor General. Under his
administration, Act No. 1402 was passed whereby the Bureau of the Insular
Auditor was renamed the Bureau of Audits.
Growth and Changes: Becoming A Stronger Institution
As the nation celebrated its independence with the promulgation of the 1935
Constitution, the institution also reached a milestone. The 1935
Constitution expressly provided for a General Auditing Office, thereby
elevating the audit institution to a constitutional body. Renamed as the
General Auditing Office or GAO, it now embarked on a full Filipinization of
the institution as a reflection of the government-wide transition to
self-governance. For the first time, the institution was headed by a
Filipino Auditor General in the person of the Hon. Jaime Hernandez.
As a major stride towards the independence of the audit institution, the GAO
was explicitly placed under the direction and control of an Auditor General
to separate it as an organization from the Executive and other departments
of the government.
In 1972, the country was placed under Martial Law. Government experienced a
major upheaval, and the GAO was not exempted. The GAO was renamed the
Commission on Audit (COA) and was granted broader powers under the new
Constitution promulgated in 1973. Under this Constitution, COA was given a
broader area of audit coverage by including the accounts of all
subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities of government and
government-owned-and-controlled corporations among those to be examined,
audited and settled.
As opposed to having an Auditor General single-handedly leading the GAO, the
new Constitution provided for a three-man collegial Commission on Audit.
This change aimed to strengthen the independence of the auditing office and
improve the quality of its decisions, given the rationale that a three-man
body was less susceptible to pressure than an office held by a single
person. It worked as a built-in internal check within the Commission and
encouraged opposing views to surface thereby resulting in earnest
consultation and better deliberation.
In the years that ensued, the Commission was a hub of activity. A landmark
legislation on auditing, Presidential Decree 1445 or the Government Auditing
Code, was promulgated in 1978. A Standard Government Chart of Accounts was
likewise issued which greatly facilitated financial audit for
computerization purposes. The Commission also implemented its comprehensive
audit program focusing on the 3Es: economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
Installation of this program represented a break from tradition that laid
undue emphasis on compliance and voucher audit. And on top of all these, the
Commission embarked on a massive reorganization and professionalization of
its personnel.
This era will also be remembered for the significant involvement of COA in
international events such as initiating the establishment of the Asian
Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), on to sponsorships of
trainings for Asia’s auditors and culminating with the hosting of the XI
International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) in 1983. It
was also during this time that a COA Chairman was first elected to the
United Nations Board of Auditors.
Years later, the world witnessed the 1986 EDSA Revolution. It was truly a
historical event that highlighted the need for reforms in government as a
whole. It provided everyone a chance for introspection and created an avenue
towards change. As fate would have it, the COA again found itself working
under a new government, under a new Constitution and with an even broader
scope of authority.
The 1987 Constitution maintained the independence of the Commission on Audit
as the supreme auditing arm of the Philippine government. Moreover, the
Constitution reiterated COA’s role as the sole official external auditor of
government agencies as well as government-owned- and-controlled corporations
(GOCCs). In other words, the previous practice of some GOCCs and other
government agencies of hiring private accounting firms as a requirement of
foreign funding institutions to act as their auditors for foreign-assisted
projects was no longer allowed.
Change, it seems, is the inescapable destiny of the Commission. But as
history proves, whatever the nature of change brought about by national
political events, the Commission manages to make it for the better. (READ
MORE: History. Commission on Audit.
https://www.coa.gov.ph/index.php/2013-06-19-13-06-03/history. Last accessed:
September 05, 2021 at 9:57PM)