How it feels like to take the Bar Exams

For bar exam candidates, the looming question of whether or not they will pass can be daunting. With months of studying behind them, the pressure to do well is immense. Similarly, in the anime Attack On Titan, characters face their own set of fears surrounding a world filled with unknowns and giant monsters that could kill them at any time. The song Vogel Im Kafig by Youseebiggirl creates a similar feeling of anticipation and fear, giving the listener an understanding of the feelings experienced by both these worlds.The lyrics focus on the idea of being trapped in a cage, unable to escape but knowing that there is something out there waiting for them. This highlights the feelings of a bar exam candidate, who is afraid of not passing the test but also of what could happen if they do. Similarly, characters in Attack On Titan feel like they are stuck in a cage because of their inability to escape the monsters and the unknown territory that lies beyond the walls.

The song gives hope as well, emphasizing the idea that despite the fear, the bar exam candidate must believe in himself and strive to reach his goal. The lyrics also encourage people to have courage in the face of adversity and give them strength to keep pushing forward. This is a sentiment that resonates with characters in Attack On Titan, as they continue fighting for what they believe in despite all odds being against them.

Vogel Im Kafig by Youseebiggirl provides a perfect soundtrack for the fears and aspirations of a bar exam candidate. While the emotional weight of their journey is similar to that of characters in Attack On Titan, the song reminds us all that we can always find strength in our beliefs and goals. With this reminder, these candidates can continue pushing forward and hopefully achieve their dreams.