30-item quiz in Political Law

2. What is the doctrine of proper submission?
3. What are the tests in determining whether a change is an amendment or a revision?
4. Does the President have the power to discipline the Ombudsman?
5. What is the expanded power of judicial review?
6. In case of election disputes in a barangay, a city, a municipality, a province or a national position, where should the election case be filed?
7. Can the Commission on Audit (COA) probe the Boy Scout of the Philippines (BSP)?
8. What are the two (2) instances in which the State is said to be not immune from suit? Explain.
9. What is the "incidental function rule" in state immunity from suit?
10. Is entering into a contract by the State an automatic indication of non-immunity from suit? What is the rule? Explain.
11. Can a foreign country purchase a piece of land in the Philippines? Why or why not?
12. Give three (3) examples of the manifestation of separation of powers in the Philippines.
13. "Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over the military." Explain how this is manifested in reality.
14. What is the rule regarding the executory character of State principles and policies? What are the exceptions?
15. XXX wants to get a list of all registered teachers and nurses in Region 2. The PRC refused because of the privacy of those whose names are on the list. Is PRC's refusal justified? Explain.
16. Bill 123 was passed by the House exempting Manny Pacquiao from income tax because of his amazing contribution to the name and honor of the Philippines. It went to Senate and was also approved by a majority of all members then present and voting. Signed by the President, it became Law 123. Is the law valid?
17. Law 345 was passed, making it mandatory for the following people to undergo drug-testing. Is the law valid?
a. High school students
b. Employees
c. Candidates for every upcoming election
18. What is the difference between question hour and legislative inquiry?
19. What are all instances in which the Supreme Court can be a trier of facts?
20. Generally, cases which have become moot and academic can no longer be reviewed by the courts. What is the exception?
21. Regarding the control of Filipinos or foreigners over corporations, what are the "grandfather test" and the "control test"? Explain each.
22. What is the doctrine laid down in Gamboa vs. Teves?
23. Explain in full details the veto power of the President.
24. What is the rule on interim appointments? Explain in full.
25. When is a suit considered one against the State?
26. What is the composition and function of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC)?
27. What is the expanded rule-making power of the Supreme Court?
28. Is there conflict of jurisdiction between the Ombudsman and the Civil Service Commission? Explain in full.
29. What are the implications of local autonomy under the 1987 Constitution?
30. Explain the difference between dual citizenship and dual allegiance.