Marking is the placing by the arresting officer or the poseur-buyer of his/her initials and signature on the items after they have been seized. It is the starting point in the custodial link. It is vital that the seized items be marked immediately since the succeeding handlers thereof will use the markings as reference. (People v. Alejandro, 671 Phil. 33, 46) The rule also requires that the
marking of the seized contraband be done "(1) in the
presence of the apprehended violator, and (2)
immediately upon confiscation."[27]
In one case, there was no showing that the marking was accomplished in the presence of accused Paz. All that was established was that, while at the PDEA office, IO1 Silverio marked the sachets with "RBS-1 05/09/13" and "RBS-2 05/09/13," while the other details are left out for the court to speculate. (
People v. Paz, G.R. No. 233466, August 07, 2019)